Edema? Eczema? A-fib? The One Pot Meal that Heals™

This is a story based on personal experience. It is not peer reviewed and has no footnotes for you. It is not academic (though I have plenty of stories of clients and students that have healed through food...). This is just a story of how a tremendously healing meal...one that is SO easy to make...so deeply nourishing...worked its magic in my own home. On symptoms we had NO IDEA it would clear. The Gut and Psychology Syndrome™, aka, "GAPS" diet, is known mostly for its ability to heal symptoms of brain function that are connected to the relative health or damage of the gut. ADD, ADHD, Autism Spectrum, brain fog, dyslexia, dyspraxia, schizophrenia to name a few. I teach how to cook for the GAPS diet, and most of the people who attend or wish to work with me have those symptoms. I am used to the idea of eating to heal the gut, and subsequently, brain function. Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride, author of the GAPS diet, has been saying for years (and I believe her) that all physical symptoms can be traced to the gut, a leaky gut, that is. She is currently writing the "Gut and Physiology Syndrome"...which says just that. But now, I got to see and experience first-hand, how the GAPS diet heals so many other things.

High blood sugar? Check.

High blood pressure? Check.

Atrial fibrillation? Check.

Arrhythmia? Check.

Severe Edema? Check.

Weight loss? Check.

Yep. All of the above symptoms back into normal range...or no longer symptoms, within just two months. These were chronic, entrenched symptoms, present for decades. And I didn't even TRY to heal them.  No special diet, no "intake" done. It was merely the result of eating the way we eat in my home...organic whenever possible, no processed foods, no soda or soft drinks. And one other thing. We eat Meat Stock two or three times a week in my home. Yep. That's it. Meat Stock.


meat stock photo

What IS "Meat Stock"? Meat Stock is what I call the "One Pot Meal that Heals™"... because that's what it does. It heals. Meat Stock is the foundation of the GAPS diet, it is the food that provides the nutrients that heal a leaky gut...and then the symptoms of that leaky gut. Meat Stock is NOT just broth. It is NOT bone broth. It is faster to make, and more nutrient-dense than bone broth. Meat Stock is an entire MEAL...you eat the meat, you drink the stock that is made from the meat, and you eat the vegetables, (with liberal amounts of healthy traditional fats, like pastured butter, tallow, duck fat...and good, high mineral sea salt.) Meat Stock is made with any meat with a joint and connective tissue--chicken, turkey, duck, quail, beef, bison, lamb, pork, fish...It's a one pot meal. Did I mention that it heals?

So what can Meat Stock heal?

Leaky gut and the symptoms that stem from it...everything mentioned above, including:

  • brain function  and nervous system disorders: ADD, ADHD, Autism Spectrum, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, SPD, OCD, depression, dyslexia, dyspraxia, brain fog...
  • digestive system disorders: IBS, Colitis, food allergies, constipation, diarrhea, bloating, SIBO, high blood sugar--hypoglycemia, hyperglycemia
  • skin disorders, most notably eczema...
  • autoimmune disorders (of which there are between 80-100 or more, depending on who you ask)
  • heart function disorders: arrhythmia, atrial fibrillation...
  • edema
  • asthma

If it could be as easy as changing your diet and eating a One Pot Meal that Heals™...aka, Meat Stock, wouldn't you be interested? Even if it didn't clear everything within two months, wouldn't it be worth it? Imagine if you worked with someone to implement the GAPS diet over a period of six months -  two years, how much could be healed?!

For more information, including recipes...I wrote a book, Cooking Techniques for the Gut and Psychology Syndrome Diet, Part I: Meat Stock and Bone Broth 

For more information about leaky gut-what it is and why you should heal it, see "What is a Leaky Gut, Anyway?"

If you would like some guidance as you cook to heal your leaky gut and the symptoms that come from it, contact me.

Celtic Sea Salt

Gut and Psychology Syndrome