
Lard that comes from pigs who have lived outside in the sunshine will be high in natural vitamin D. Why is this important? Because natural vitamin D that comes from food sources increases resistance to infections and is necessary for normal respiratory function! Learn how to make your own lard from pig fat you obtain from a farmer near you here:

If you are going to purchase lard, look for “pastured” pigs, certified organic lard such as that from Fatworks or Epic Pork Fat

You can also find Leaf Lard, which is the “cadillac” of pig fat…Fatworks and more!


Tallow may be beef, bison, or lamb fat that is rendered (melted and strained). Tallow is a healthy animal fat that is good to cook with and eat, and also fabulous on your skin! (Many people like to make skin cream by adding a few drops of food grade/organic lavender essential oil into the tallow, (makes it smell lovely), along with some extra virgin olive oil, which will help keep it spreadable. You can render beef/bison/lamb fat yourself in the same way that you make lard (see note above).

Good/clean/pastured brands: Epic (grass-fed), Fatworks (certified organic), and more! (I do suggest you know your farmer or your brand, if commercially raised cows are used for tallow, all of their toxins will be in their fat!)

Duck Fat



Roast a duck or a goose and you will have plenty of fat for your family! You can learn how to roast in Nourishing Traditions cookbook!

You can also purchase duck fat or goose fat. I personally would choose duck fat from France or goose fat from Fatworks.

Ghee is liquid gold. It is the pure fat from butter, and is lactose free, casein free, and makes everything delicious! Make your own from pastured butter, or purchase one of my favorites from my friend Sandeep at Pure Indian Foods - Cultured Ghee here.


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