New! GAPS Intro Diet Chart!

GAPS Intro Chart Sample-page-001

So you have been wanting to try the Gut and Psychology SyndromeTM (aka, GAPS) diet, but you don't know where to start. have tried it before, but got confused, and dropped out.

Or...the "Intro" sounds scary and you can't quite figure out what to eat when, or how to move from stage to stage, or even how many stages there are. (What's a "stage", anyway?) know you have symptoms of a leaky gut, but don't know what to do about it.

Want some assistance in sorting it all out? Yes!

Want this all to be easy peasey? Yes!

How about a handy, dandy, well-organized and beautiful chart that lets you know what to do, how to do it, and when?

Yep. It now exists!

I am happy to announce my third chart, this one for the Intro Diet of the Gut and Psychology Syndrome, the healing protocol developed by Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride. This way of eating heals the symptoms caused by a leaky gut. Symptoms include: Autism Spectrum Disorder, ADD, ADHD, dyslexia, dyspraxia, depression, schizophrenia...and many more!

Why did I develop another chart, you ask? Because I love charts. (Really, I do.) I love how I can take a lot of information and put it in one place, and make it easy to understand. (Check out my other charts on how to properly soak and cook Grains and Beans, on First Foods for Babies!)

I am also a teacher to the core of my being. I love to share information. I love to educate. Most of all,  I love to give people tools to help them to heal themselves.

I developed this particular chart because I believe in the healing capabilities of the Gut and Psychology SyndromeTM protocol.

Why now? Because I keep meeting people, hearing stories, and working with clients to implement the GAPS diet that are very confused. Confused about what to do when, (what to cook and when to eat it...and how to move from stage to stage).  So, I took matters into my own hands, and created this chart.

As I mentioned earlier, it is easy to follow, contains all the information you need, and is pleasing to the eye. My hope is that it will assist many people on their journey back to the innate health and well-being that is their birthright. The chart is available now, on my website, as a download.

If you are a Certified GAPS Practitioner, and you would like to have charts available for your patients and clients, contact me for bulk orders.


I will be giving away 5 of my new GAPS Intro Diet Charts on September 1, by random drawing. These will be printed charts that will be mailed to winners. One chart per household.

The deadline is August 31, at 10pm MT. Everyone who enters will be notified of the results via email.

To enter to win your GAPS Intro Diet Chart, please answer the following questions in the comments, with a minimum of 5 sentences.

What has your experience with the GAPS diet been? What questions do you have regarding the diet? What are you hoping to gain from the Intro Chart? If you are new to the diet, what are you hoping to heal by going on it?

If the Chart is not enough, you may wish to set up a Wellness Consultation to go learn how to easily cook for the Gut and Psychology Syndrome diet! Sometimes it takes just one consultation to get on the right track!

Here's to ease of healing!

Be well, all!