cooking for well-being in May

Thought I'd post the latest classes on the front page for all to see! To register, see the 2010 class schedule page.

I look forward to cooking with you!

the last class in April...

The SECRET Ingredient for a Healthy Gut: Nutrient-Dense Stock!

Thursday, April 29 . 7:15pm-9:30pm . NW DC/Silver Spring line

Stock is one of the original SUPER FOODS. It is nurturing, nourishing, grounding, comforting, and nutrient-dense. All moms and dads, (and everyone, yes, YOU!) need to know about this wonderful food. It is the foundation of good soup, stew, vegetables, and grains. It helps to heal the gut, is a great "first food" for infants, and is HIGH CALCIUM for growing children, menopausal women, and just about anyone who is alive. Stock helps to heal rheumatoid arthritis, gastritis, colitis, Crohn's disease, allergies, and other digestive and bone disorders. We will cover beef and chicken stock in this class. Learn the bones to use, where to get them, how long to cook them, cover on or off, and THE SECRET OF GELATIN...

Smith Meadows FARM Day! Join me and my family!

Saturday, May 1 . 10am-2pm . Berryville, VA RSVP to Smith Meadows for a farm tour and lunch. See where and how your food is grown! Bring the children, too!!

Eat BEANS and GRAINS? Learn How to Soak Them for Easy Digestion!

Sunday, May 2 . 9:30am-12 noon . Takoma Park, MD Beans, legumes, and grains are chock full of vitamins and protein your body needs. Leave those canned beans behind for the nutrition of beans prepared in your own kitchen...and learn how to prepare all those whole grains so that the minerals and enzymes are not lost! Unless you properly prepare beans and grains by soaking, phytic acid will prevent the absorption of important minerals, enzyme inhibitiors will block your enzymes, and large protein and carbohydrate molecules will not be broken down...leading to gastric distress, bloating, and (pardon me), flatulence! (BTW, flatulence is NOT normal. It means your digestive system is having a hard time breaking down your food.) Failing to soak may also lead to bone loss. EEEK! Got osteoporosis? Soak your beans and grains! Got flatulence? Soak your beans and grains! Got IBS or digestive disorders? Soak your beans and grains!

Super Gluten-Free Whole Grains...for Super Healthy Kids (and you)!

Thursday, May 6 . 7:15pm-9:30pm . NW DC/Silver Spring line GLUTEN-FREE? Just want more variety in your diet? Learn how to prepare SUPER GRAINS amaranth, millet and quinoa, and buckwheat. All gluten-free, all high in protein, all easy to digest WHEN PREPARED CORRECTLY. They will add whole grain goodness to your diet without the digestive distress of gluten...I recommend them for every family!

Gluten-Free OPTIMALLY: Why GF/CF is not enough to be well!

Saturday, May 8 . 9:30am-12 noon . Oakton, VA Gluten-free? What an ASD or AD/HD child eats can provide the foundation of balance for them...and the BEST DIET may not be what you think! If you or someone in your family is following a gluten-free diet, this class is for you! Learn about the connection between the gut and the brain and emotional well-being...and why gluten-free/casein-free (GF/CF) diets may not be enough. They bring temporary relief and may lead to other issues. Find out about the components of a GF diet that lead to optimal health! Then learn the cooking techniques so you may incorporate them into your life with confidence!


Saturday, May 15 . 9:30am-12 noon . Oakton, VA Whether you have a child on the Autistic Spectrum or with AD/HD...or experience brain fog or an inability to concentrate yourself, come find out the foods that nourish your brain. The answers may surprise you!

DRINK Your Probiotics! Fermented Beverages your Family will LOVE!

Saturday, May 22. 9:30am-12 noon . Oakton, VA Learn how to make some of the original sodas. Lacto-fermented beverages are an easy, inexpensive, delicious way to get more probiotics, vitamins and enzymes into your and your family's diet. We will make ginger ale, punch and orangina...drink ALMOND MILK from a box? Learn how to make your own, cultured, LIVE and without all those additives. KOMBUCHA anyone??!